Ars Nova
Music by Wolfgang Plagge (2002)

Solveig Kringelborn, soprano
Ole Edvard Antonsen, trumpet
Wolfgang Plagge, piano
Wolfgang Plagge (*1960)
Liber Sequentiarum for soprano and trumpet
Ecce pulcra (4:06)
Innocentem Te Servavit (3:45)
Gaudete Vos Fideles (2:52)
Wolfgang Plagge (*1960)
Sonata for Trumpet & Piano
Languido - Determinato - Tranquillo (14:33)
Wolfgang Plagge (*1960)
Solarljód for soprano and piano
Sol eg såg (The Sun I Saw) (7:49)
Blodgeislar (Bathed in Blood) (6:12)
Menneske såg eg (Men I Saw Then) (4:51)
Solhjorten (The Sun-Hart) (4:26)
TO PURCHASE: World wide delivery:
What happens when a massive star "dies"?
In a cataclysmic explosion enormous amounts of star matter is hurled into the Universe and becomes a Nova. This matter contains essential building blocks for the creation of new stars and planets; by its "death" the old star contributes to the giving of new life.
When the Protestantic Reformation reached Norway in 1536 A.D., virtually all of the ancient Gregorian tradition was annihilated. Still Norwegian music of today, both folk music as well as work of art, contain valuable influence from the music of the Middle Ages.
Discover what happens when these ancient times speak through the heart of a contemporary composer - ARS NOVA.